[Gen 2] OU
MISSINGNO152 vs. tako2000

☆MISSINGNO152 and ☆tako2000 joined
[Gen 2] OU
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Item Clause: Limit one of each item
Stadium Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep

Battle started between MISSINGNO152 and tako2000!

Go! Exeggutor!

tako2000 sent out Venusaur!

Turn 1

MISSINGNO152: お願いします
tako2000: よろしくお願いします

The opposing Venusaur used Sleep Powder!
Exeggutor fell asleep!

Exeggutor is fast asleep.

Turn 2

tako2000 withdrew Venusaur!
tako2000 sent out Typhlosion!

Exeggutor, come back!
Go! Snorlax!

Turn 3

tako2000 withdrew Typhlosion!
tako2000 sent out Venusaur!

Snorlax used Body Slam!
(The opposing Venusaur lost 33% of its health!)
The opposing Venusaur is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
(The opposing Venusaur ate its PRZ Cure Berry!)
The opposing Venusaur was cured of paralysis!

Turn 4

tako2000 withdrew Venusaur!
tako2000 sent out Typhlosion!

Snorlax, come back!
Go! Exeggutor!

Turn 5

Exeggutor, come back!
Go! Snorlax!

The opposing Typhlosion used Dynamic Punch!
The opposing Typhlosion's attack missed!

Turn 6

tako2000 withdrew Typhlosion!
tako2000 sent out Venusaur!

Snorlax used Body Slam!
(The opposing Venusaur lost 35% of its health!)
The opposing Venusaur is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Turn 7

Snorlax used Body Slam!
(The opposing Venusaur lost 32% of its health!)

The opposing Venusaur fainted!

tako2000 sent out Steelix!

Turn 8

The opposing Steelix used Earthquake!
(Snorlax lost 27.4% of its health!)

Snorlax used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Steelix lost 29% of its health!)

Snorlax restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The opposing Steelix restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 9

Snorlax used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Steelix lost 32% of its health!)

The opposing Steelix used Explosion!
(Snorlax lost 78.6% of its health!)

The opposing Steelix fainted!
Snorlax fainted!

tako2000 sent out Typhlosion!

Go! Zapdos!

Turn 10

Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
(The opposing Typhlosion lost 39% of its health!)

The opposing Typhlosion used Sunny Day!
The sunlight turned harsh!

(The sunlight is strong.)

Turn 11

Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
(The opposing Typhlosion lost 41% of its health!)

The opposing Typhlosion used Fire Blast!
(Zapdos lost 61.4% of its health!)

(The sunlight is strong.)

Turn 12

Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
(The opposing Typhlosion lost 20% of its health!)

The opposing Typhlosion fainted!

MISSINGNO152 won the battle!
MISSINGNO152: ありがとうございました
tako2000: ありがとうございました
tako2000: 保存しないとですね
tako2000: 一応私もダウンロードしました